Sally Shivnan

Sally Shivnan’s fiction and essays have appeared in The Georgia Review, Antioch Review, Glimmer Train, Rosebud, and other journals, and in anthologies including The Best American Travel Writing and Travelers’ Tales Best Travel Writing. Her travel essays have been featured in The Washington Post, Miami Herald, Nature Conservancy Magazine, Washingtonian, Saturday Evening Post,, and many other publications and websites. She broadcasts her bi-weekly “Prose and Poetry” radio program for blind listeners via the Radio Reading Network of Maryland, available for streaming. She was the winner of the 2011 Travel Classics International Travel Writers Contest and a Maryland State Arts Council grant, among other awards. She teaches creative writing at University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC), is currently at work on a novel, and can be found at


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Click on cover to learn more

Piranhas & Quicksand & Love by Sally Shivnan

ISBN 978-1-941209-42-4

8.5 x 5.5 softcover, 204 pages