Mark Cox

MARK COX has authored six other volumes of poetry, the most recent being Readiness (2018) and Sorrow Bread: Poems 1984-2015 (2017). He has a forty-year history of publication in prominent magazines and his honors include a Whiting Writers’ Award, a Pushcart Prize, the Oklahoma Book Award, and The Society of Midland Authors Poetry Prize. He chairs the Department of Creative Writing at UNC Wilmington and teaches in the Vermont College of Fine Arts MFA Program.

Knowing: Poems

by Mark Cox

ISBN 978-1-950413-79-9

9 x 6 softcover, 98 pages

Pre-orders ship late-March

Knowing eases and unsettles, as a good book should. It’s a human book, with no trace of sentimentality. Perhaps its abiding theme is Carpe Diem (seize the day).  Mark Cox has done just that in his manipulation of language. He has wrought numerous memorable poems.  The frustration of a review is one can’t talk about everything one might like to talk about. The poems in Knowing speak for themselves. The best are unforgettable. Compulsive Reader, Peter Mladinic

Cover photograph, “170A6128 Fading Echoes," © 2016 by Jen Johnson

Readiness: Prose Poems by Mark Cox

Woodrow Hall Top Shelf Book Award

ISBN 978-1-941209-78-3

9 x 6 softcover, 80 pages

Praise for Readiness

Behind surfaces that can sometimes be wryly comic, Mark Cox is unafraid to risk adult tenderness (“brutal tenderness” he says in one poem) and great empathy for this world’s sufferers. Which is to say that beneath a rich variety of occasions (from an ancient Egyptian mummifier doing up a fifteen-foot crocodile, to a current-day housewife doing up an angel food cake), Cox’s bedrock concern is that impossible thing of endless grief and joy that we call the human condition. These poetic meditations and monologues are some of the least prosaic prose you’ll ever read.

—Albert Goldbarth

“Thrilling prose poems from a cherished writer….Cox gives lie to the common notion that prose poetry is too formless to count as real verse….[He] is as careful with diction, rhythm, and even rhyme as one might be if they were writing strict alexandrines—and yet, his poems are as fluid and readable as Jack Kerouac’s novels.”

Kirkus Reviews

Praise for Mark Cox

Tony Hoagland has said Mark Cox is “a veteran of the deep water; there’s no one like him,” and Thomas Lux identified him as “one of the finest poets of his generation.”  No one speaks more effectively of the vital and enduring syntaxes of common, even communal, life.

—Richard Simpson

Mark Cox has a wry, deadpan humor, a piercing wit, and a keen knowledge of the contradictions of the human heart. Thirty-Seven Years from the Stone confirms Mark Cox’s promise and further fulfills his talent.

—Edward Hirsch

[Mark Cox] meditates, describes, narrates the impossible path between what is in us and what is around us—that is the heroism of his work.

—Stephen Berg

One of the best books I’ve read in years. In a style that’s brash, offbeat, tough-minded and big-hearted, these poems explore the fundamental mysteries of love between parent and child, self and other, self and world. Beyond the inventive language and formal range, what makes [Natural Causes] so memorable is Cox’s refusal to look away from even the hardest facts of “unadulterated sorrow.”

—Alan Shapiro