Maria Ingram Braucht

Maria Ingram Braucht was born in Kernersville, North Carolina, and attended Baylor University, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and the University of Florida before receiving a B.A. in English Literature and Drama from Pfeiffer College. Her poems have appeared in various magazines and journals, including Carolina Quarterly, North Carolina Poetry, The Beloit Poetry Journal, The Oconee Review, St. Andrews Review, and Malahat Review. Her debut book of poems, Maria, was published by Red Clay Books in Charlotte, North Carolina, in 1976, followed by her selection as one of five poets for inclusion in the anthology Thirtieth Year to Heaven: New American Poets, published by Jackpine Press at Wake Forest University in 1980. She operated an international specialty foods and coffee roasting shop in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, called Maria’s, for 33 years, from 1972 to 2005. During that time, her passion for traveling and experiencing different cultures was fulfilled.


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Red Clay Gypsy by Maria Ingram Braucht

ISBN 978-1-941209-26-4

9 x 6 softcover, 112 pages