Mary Akers

Mary Akers is the author of the award-winning short story collection Women Up On Blocks (Press 53, 2009) and Bones of an Inland Sea (2013) with the expanded book club edition coming out in October 2016. She is Editor in Chief of the online journal r.kv.r.y. and has been a VCCA Fellow and a Bread Loaf waiter. She co-founded the Institute for Tropical Marine Ecology, a study abroad marine ecology program originally located in Roseau, Dominica. Akers frequently writes fiction that focuses on the intersections between art and science, including such topics as diverse and timely as the environmental movement and the struggle for human and animal rights. Although raised in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, which she will always call home, she currently lives in western New York.



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Bones of an Inland Sea (Book Club Edition) by Mary Akers

ISBN 978-1-941209-48-6

6 x 9 softcover, 210 pages

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Click on cover to learn more

Women Up On Blocks by Mary Akers

IPPY Gold Medal for Best Short Story Collection

ISBN: 978-0-9816280-6-6

8.5 x 5.5 softcover, 160 pages