ISSUE 167, JanuarY — march 2020
(a Press 53 publication)
Since July 1, 2010, Prime Number Magazine has been home to distinctive poetry and short fiction from around the world.
We thank our readers and writers for their continued support.
Browse our selections below by clicking on the author photo or the title of the poem or story.
Happy New Year, and happy reading!
Winners of our Flash Fiction Contest
The Prime Number Magazine Flash Fiction Contest runs quarterly* with a low $7 reading fee and a $353 First Prize, $151 Second Prize, and $53 Third Prize.
First Prize ($353): “The Call of the Campervan” by Jessica Manack
Second Prize ($151): “On Top of Spaghetti” by Jessica Pitchford
Third Prize ($53): “The Wall” by Tyler Lacoma
*Important Update for 2020: Following the October-December 2019 contest (winners published in Issue 173 on April 1, 2020), the Prime Number Magazine Flash Fiction Contest will operate each summer on an annual basis, with submission open from April-June. Winning flash fiction(s) will be published in our yearly awards issue in October. We’ve enjoyed operating this contest year round, but we’re finding ourselves spread a little thin, so making it an annual contest will hopefully work better for us. We hope you understand and will continue to send us your flash fiction.
Winners of our FREE Monthly 53-Word Story Contest
Judged by the Prime Number Magazine / Press 53 editorial team
Winner receives a free book from Press 53
Winners for October, November, and December are listed below with the (53-word story prompt) in parentheses
October 2019 (misunderstanding): “Traveling Companion” by Rebekah Heaney
November 2019 (majority): “Home Alone” by Jane T. Pait
December 2019: (new) “Good Night” by Brian Rosten
Editors' Selections
Each issue, we ask our guest editors to select their favorite poems or stories from those submitted during our open submission period. Submissions are free and only accepted through Submittable.
Guest Editor for Poetry
STACY R. Nigliazzo
Stacy R. Nigliazzo is the author of Sky the Oar, a new collection of poems from Press 53 (Fall 2018). Her poems have appeared in numerous journals and anthologies including the American Journal of Nursing, Bellevue Literary Review, Beloit Poetry Journal, Ilanot Review, the Journal of the American Medical Association, and Thrush Poetry Journal. Her first collection of poems, Scissored Moon, won First Place in the 2014 American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year Awards in Public Interest and Creative Works. She lives in Houston, Texas, and has worked as an emergency room nurse for the past twelve years.
Selected poems
Guest Editor for Short Fiction
Joseph Mills
Joseph Mills holds an endowed chair as a professor at the University of North Carolina School of the Arts. He has published six collections of poetry with Press 53, including This Miraculous Turning, winner of the 2015 Roanoke-Chowan Award for Poetry. His poetry has been featured in The Writer’s Almanac and in Ted Kooser's “American Life in Poetry” column, and he holds degrees in literature from the University of Chicago, the University of New Mexico, and the University of California, Davis. His flash fiction collection Bleachers: Fifty-Four Linked Fictions debuted from Press 53 in April.
Selected short fiction
Bonus: Publisher’s Selection “The Death Cart” by Kent Nelson, finalist for the 2019 Prime Number Magazine Award for Short Fiction
Meet Our Guest Editors for Issue 179, Jul-Sep 2020
(Submissions open January 1 - March 31 at Submittable)
Christopher Forrest
Guest Poetry Editor
Christopher Forrest serves as poetry editor and is managing editor of the Immersion Poetry Series at Press 53. He graduated from UNC Chapel Hill with a degree in economics and worked in the financial sector for nearly a decade before returning to his hometown of Winston-Salem and shifting his career path toward his passion: the arts. He received his MFA from Queens University of Charlotte in 2017 and his poetry has appeared in a wide range of publications. When not at Press 53, you’ll find him with his lovely, supportive wife and two young boys, playing blocks and trains, or hovering over a puzzle, a pen never very far away.
Read a poem from each of Chris’s first three selections for the Immersion Poetry Series
Julie Zuckerman
Guest Short Fiction Editor
Julie Zuckerman’s fiction and nonfiction have appeared in a variety of publications, including The SFWP Quarterly, The Macguffin, Salt Hill, Sixfold, The Coil, Ellipsis, Crab Orchard Review and others. A native of Connecticut, she now lives in Modiin, Israel, with her husband and four children. Her novel in stories, The Book of Jeremiah, was the runner-up for the 2018 Press 53 Award for Short Fiction and is her debut story collection.
Read “The Dutiful Daughter” from The Book of Jeremiah by Julie Zuckerman
prime number
: any integer other than 0 or ± 1 that is not divisible without remainder by any other integers except ± 1 and ± the integer itself (Merriam-Webster's Dictionary)
In literature: poetry and prose that is distinctive and unique (Prime Number Magazine)
Prime Number Magazine is a Press 53 publication, founded by Clifford Garstang and Kevin Morgan Watson on July 1, 2010, beginning with Issue 2 and continuing in prime numbers.