53-Word Story Contest

Each month we offer a prompt to subscribers of Press 53 and Prime Number Magazine to write a 53-word story—no more, no less—and send it to us by the fifteenth day of the month. Our editors select one winning story, and the author receives a book from Press 53 as well as publication in Prime Number Magazine. Want to play along? Subscribe to Prime Number Magazine for free and we’ll send you the prompt on the first day of each month.

Scroll down to read our winning stories for May, June, July, and August
We begin with the prompt, followed by our winning story

May 2024

Prompt for May: If you’re wanting for writing inspiration, look for the Eta Aquariids peaking this month. Meteors, like a good story, make their presence known quickly, flash brilliance for their beholders, and never, ever, linger longer than they should. But, whatever it is that moves your pen this month, just try to keep it clean.

Write a 53-word story about showers

"A Desperate Desire for Rain" by Lindsey James

Last chance. 

This time, the bat connects. Crunches. She rips off her blindfold, blinking against the sun and colorful falling debris. The piñata arcs over her head on the backswing, pebbling her upturned face, her shoulders. 

Victorious, she hammocks her t-shirt between pinched fingers to catch the last drops of the stale-sugar shower.

~ ~ ~

53-Word Bio
A native of the Pacific Northwest, Lindsey James draws inspiration for her writing from the people and landscapes of rural eastern Washington State. By day, she swaps classic stories for fresh slang with her middle school students. You can read her previously published work in the Saturday Evening Post and the Penmen Review.

June 2024

Prompt for June: Dr. Seuss asks, “How did it get so late so soon? . . . December is here before it’s June.” Indeed, how is it time to say farewell to spring? Do the seasons get shorter as the days grow longer? This month those will shorten too; it seems we will open our eyes to winter soon. 

Write a 53-word story about a blink

“Reflection” by Bari Lynn Hein

I miss shopping with my mom. It’s been so long. The difference between our ages has dwindled from twenty-one to three.

Now I see her in a shop window, admiring a blue blouse—our favorite color. I pull my hair back—blink—yes, that’s her.

“Try it on,” she says.

I go inside.

~ ~ ~

53-Word Bio
Bari Lynn Hein is a wife, mother, feminist, cockeyed optimist, amateur genealogist, art lover, music lover, and former bakery manager who still loves to bake—all of which factor into her writing. Her published short stories have won awards and reached readers in eleven countries—so far. You can learn more at barilynnhein.com

July 2024

Prompt for July: We might think of shortening days as a curfew, which once meant to cover and save the hearth fire. We might think of the sloping sun behind an afternoon cloud mass. We might think of hotel vacations and groups of elevators. We might think of reliable weather. We might think of storing memories.

Write a 53-word story about a bank

“Poetic Justice” by Chrystel Roberts

“Rotten? Well I never!”

Yeah, the dentist says that people are eating much too much sugar these days.”

“Ah! People were so much healthier in the last century. So what will you do, old chap?”

Until my new fangs are ready, I guess it will have to be the blood bank for me.”

~ ~ ~

53-Word Bio
Chrystel Roberts is a free-spirited African woman living in her homeland of Zambia. A single parent of three, she writes short stories and poetry as a pastime. One of Chrystel’s poems won her first prize in a national poetry contest; to her delight, the poem was recited on ZNBC, Zambia’s national television station.

August 2024

Prompt for August: August 10 is National S’mores Day. Yep, a celebration of graham crackers, chocolate bars, marshmallows, and a nice fire. My daughter prefers her marshmallow between chocolate chip cookies. I’ve never been a fan of S’mores, but I’m a bit of a marshmallow myself, so I play along whenever someone says “Let’s make S’mores!”

Write a 53-word story about a marshmallow

“How to Make Your Turkish Grandmother's Special Recipe When You've Never Lived up to Expectations” by Wendy Markel


·        Place rosewater, marshmallow root, water, and hibiscus flower in a bain-marie.

·        Whisk, vigorously. 

·        Avoid grandfather’s drooling spittle.

·        Say “be patient; perfection takes time.”

·        Send grandfather to sit in his garden chair.

·        Reduce heat while answering the chiming doorbell. 

·        Destroy Amazon packaging and delete delivery email.

·        Plate up.

·        Dust with sugar.

·        Serve, blushing modestly.

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53-Word Bio
Wendy Markel has placed in competitions, including Globe Soup, The London Society, Egg+Frog and Reedsy. Her winning story, “The Last of the Bright Young Things,” was published in Prompted Magazine 3. Wendy enjoys the company of her husband and dog, and, being British, likes travelling to sunnier countries as frequently as possible.