(a Press 53 publication)
Our 10th Anniversary Issue!
Since July 1, 2010, Prime Number Magazine has been home to distinctive poetry and short fiction from around the world, making Issue 179 our tenth anniversary issue! Now, in these difficult times, we are especially grateful to our readers and writers for a decade of support. We hope this issue of Prime Number Magazine brings you joy.
Browse our editors’ selections for this issue by clicking on the author photo or the title of the poem or story. And check out our two summer writing contests!
Winners of our FREE Monthly 53-Word Story Contest
Judged by the Prime Number Magazine / Press 53 editorial team
Winner receives a free book from Press 53 + publication
Winners for April, May, and June listed below (with the 53-word story prompt in parentheses)
Editors' Selections
Each issue, we ask our guest editors to select their favorite poems or stories from those submitted during our open submission period. Submissions are free and only accepted through Submittable.
Guest Editor for Poetry
Christopher Forrest serves as poetry editor and is managing editor of the Immersion Poetry Series at Press 53. He graduated from UNC Chapel Hill with a degree in economics and worked in the financial sector for nearly a decade before returning to his hometown of Winston-Salem and shifting his career path toward his passion: the arts. He received his MFA from Queens University of Charlotte in 2017 and his poetry has appeared in a wide range of publications. When not at Press 53, you’ll find him with his lovely, supportive wife and two young boys, playing blocks and trains, or hovering over a puzzle, a pen never very far away.
selected poems
Guest Editor for Short Fiction
Julie Zuckerman’s fiction and nonfiction have appeared in a variety of publications, including The SFWP Quarterly, The Macguffin, Salt Hill, Sixfold, The Coil, Ellipsis, Crab Orchard Review and others. A native of Connecticut, she now lives in Modiin, Israel, with her husband and four children. Her novel in stories, The Book of Jeremiah, was the runner-up for the 2018 Press 53 Award for Short Fiction and is her debut story collection.
selected STORIES
Meet Our Guest Editors for Issue 191, Jan-Mar 2021
(Submissions open July 1 - September 30 at Submittable)
Guest Editor for Poetry
Lindsey Royce is the author of Bare Hands, a collection of poetry published in 2016, and Play Me a Revolution, published by Press 53 in 2019. She holds a Ph.D. in Creative Writing/Poetry and Literature from the University of Houston and an M.A. in English and American Literature Studies/ Poetry from New York University. Her poems have appeared in many American periodicals and anthologies, including the Aeolian Harp anthology, Cutthroat: A Journal of the Arts, Poet Lore, and Washington Square Review.
Guest Editor for Short Fiction
Rhonda Browning White resides near Daytona Beach, Florida. Her work appears in numerous literary magazines and anthologies. Her blog “Read. Write. Live!” is found at www.RhondaBrowningWhite.com. She has an MFA in Creative Writing from Converse College in Spartanburg, South Carolina, and was awarded a fellowship from Eckerd College’s Writers in Paradise. Her debut short story collection, The Lightness of Water & Other Stories, won the 2019 Press 53 Award for Short Fiction.
Read “The Lightness of Water and Other Stories” from The Lightness of Water & Other Stories
Two Contests for Summer
Issue 181 of Prime Number Magazine (publishing Oct. 1, 2020) is our annual awards issue! This means submissions are now open for our annual Flash Fiction Prize as well as our FREE Prime 53 Poem Summer Challenge. See below for details regarding submission deadlines and prizes. We look forward to reading your work!
Submit July 1-August 30 on Submittable
Reading fee is a low $7 (a prime number)
Judged by Press 53/Prime Number Magazine editors
Three winning flash fictions will be published in Issue 181, and winning writers will receive the following cash prizes: $353 (first prize), $151 (second prize), $53 (third prize)
FREE submissions June 2o-September 22 through Submittable, or email your poem to Press 53
Judged by Press 53/Prime Number Magazine editors
Three winning poems will be published in Issue 181, and winning writers will receive a Press 53 paperback OR one seminar at the High Road Festival of Poetry and Short Fiction, which will be offering online seminars in the near future
prime number
: any integer other than 0 or ± 1 that is not divisible without remainder by any other integers except ± 1 and ± the integer itself (Merriam-Webster's Dictionary)
In literature: a magazine that publishes poetry and prose that is distinctive and unique
Prime Number Magazine is a Press 53 publication, founded by Clifford Garstang and Kevin Morgan Watson on July 1, 2010, beginning with Issue 2 and continuing in prime numbers