Another Bungalow by Maura Way


Another Bungalow by Maura Way


ISBN 978-1-941209-64-6

9 x 6 softcover, 80 pages

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Praise for Another Bungalow


The living texture of late America: Another Bungalow reconstitutes it, spiky as it ever was. Way’s poems are short and quick, brilliantly witty, and unwind from themselves sinuously and ruthlessly. We need this kind of fun! Dauntless, cruel, all-heart, trustworthy fun. 

—Catherine Wagner, author of Nervous Device


The poems of Another Bungalow are endearing antidotes to memory’s rose-colored glasses; they chronicle the informal, indelible microeducations meted out through circumstance, strangers, and a quirky sense of humor. (Will having dressed as a hockey puck for Halloween determine your relationship with the man you met that evening?) If you never lost your bite-plate to the sea in a teenage laughing jag or conceded to a bully’s demands because they were addressed to the name on your second-hand gym shirt, you’ll still relate. Maura Way’s poems celebrate the “satiation found out beyond the bronze,” the “small but generative victories” that keep us, in our normal lives, unique. 

—Janet Holmes, author of The ms of m y kin

About the Author

Maura Way was born and raised in Washington, D.C. Her poems have appeared in Verse, Beloit Poetry Journal, Drunken Boat, DIAGRAM, and The Chattahoochee Review. She lives in a yellow brick bungalow in Greensboro, North Carolina, with her husband Mark.