Surreal South '13


Surreal South '13


Surreal South '13

edited by Josh Woods

Cover art by Terri Yeske

9 x 6 softcover, 250 pages

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Welcome to the Surreal South, the dream of the nation within the nation, the world within the world, shadowed by all the unmitigated horrors and illuminated by all the dubious glories of its distant and ill-remembered past, a puzzle, a slightly gruesome enticement, a boundless ambiguity, an enduring paradox, and an endless source of myth.


Michael Baughan

Helena Bell

Lynne Buchanan

Kevin Catalano

Katherine Chariott

Joshua Eure

Kendall Giles

Joey Goebel

Becky Hagenston

Blake Kimzey

Tawny Leech

Nathan Alling Long

Alexander Lumans

Alice Otto

Adam Padgett

David James Poissant

Ron Rash

Fred Venturini

Jeff Weddle

Josh Woods